Thursday, January 3, 2008

Diagram Of How To Make A Karate Belt Rack

Alphaville Forever Young Christmas Hits

Visits Christmas was a radio program broadcast by Radio Rumbo ( Carthage) to signal to the entire country.

The format of the program was musical and narrative, usually heard a story followed a series of carols and driver feedback. Carlos Lafuente Fernandez

Representing Radio Rumbo de Cartago, was president of CANARA in 1981 and his term will be conducted early studies of radio tuning and penetration of the media.

In the same year it launched the first radio campaign designed to advertise the same radio, fruit of efforts by all broadcasters. On the government front, must lead the fight long but victorious against gouging frequency rights.

In The Nation

Much of the material was stolen and it seems that has not been recovered.



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