Quitate Eye Straw
Quitate Straw Ant Eye on the Wall is one of the favorite rock songs.
Quitate straw
eye and say I'm
I do not know what I think also
are people like you nothing will be done blind
life criticizing
everything but can not see their own work
Speaking about judging judging
Quitate straw
eye I see in your eyes
that life is very simple passes
concerned about other
Without realizing that the problem are you
and fuck your fucking advice
people eat but do not have the correct character for your own actions
for my already dead in life
so stay away from my eyes Take off the straw
eye Do not tell me how I am
I do not know what I think
not people like you are nothing to do
go blindly through life criticizing everything
but can not see
Talking about his own work by talking
judging by judging
eye straw
One more word and I'll give you your deserved mi daughter
now you got me with swollen balls
You stay or you leave all Take off the straw ways
eye and say I'm
I do not know what I think
not people like you are nothing to do
go blindly through life criticizing everything
but can not see her
own work by talking
judging judging eye Quitate straw
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